Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

When you have a good dream

Sometimes, you have a really good dream. It's very good until you feel sad when you wake up.
Because you want to live in that dream life. But, that's impossible. Living in unreal life such as your dream life, as same as lying to yourself. Because your real life is not anything like that. And leaving your real life just postponed your misery.
So, what you should do is live in your real life and keep your good dream as good memories that encourage you.
What about make your dream comes true? That's very possible. But, you should think, is it the real good dream that will be good if it becomes true? Or is it just bad whisper that will make you become bad people?
Don't get trapped by your own dream. Think it first.

What about don't hold back?

Your throat and your chest will hurt so badly, when you are trying to hold back your tears. So, one of the best moment in my life is at the time when I can cry alone and cry loudly.
Without no one bother asking reason why I am crying. Because why should you ask? Crying without reason is something that should be understandable. Even if it is not so unreasonable.
Take it, when someone said to back off because he/she do not want you to know the reason behind his/her tears.
Just take it. Because you should not push people. That's violate the human right. But, what is it about the human right when you have the highest right? Allah's rule.
Maybe some people think that they should push people for good (because Allah's rule) or because he/she is not in the right mind so they think that they should put him/her back to track. So, screw the back off part, and what? Will it be all alright?

Little Women Novel Review

A month. The time I needed to complete this cool and famous novel by Louisa May Alcott.
Tells story about 4 women in March family and their friend Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence, from a Christmas moment to next year Christmas.
I'm very happy to see the warmth in March family. And also how Mr. and Mrs. March educate their children. It was very impressive and inspire.
They are a portraits of American family who have manners and values.
Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, each of them has distinctive and unique character. Although, they are trying to change to be a good and honored woman.
My favorite, of course, Jo who is very intelligent and independent. They said, Jo is the most similar character to the author, Louisa May Alcott.
This novel is very good and very entertaining in my bleak days.
Although it has a background of 2nd WW (if I'm not wrong), but the story of past America I found it interestingly as same as when I read Jane Austen's work.
Highly recommended to read.
The story which is very close to our daily life, figures that have realistic character, and story full of wisdom and life lessons, absolutely can make us reflect and improve.
I encourage you to read it.

Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

Andromax R dan Indosat Ooredoo

Saya bukannya fans berat Smartfren. Tapi, jadi pioner layanan 4G jelas sesuatu. Meskipun, kenyataannya dengan harga kuota yang menguras kantong, bikin saya perlu mencari alternatif lain.
Yep, saya mencoba beralih ke Indosat Ooredoo.
Tapi, nggak semudah itu. Meskipun saya udah ganti sim card jadi kartu 4G dan udah daftar paket data dan sinyal di tempat tinggal saya oke punya, saya belum bisa menikmati layanan 4G dari Indosat Ooredoo.
Sepupu saya nanya kenapa saya niat banget pake 4G karena menurut dia layanan tersebut bikin kita boros kuota.
Tapi, gimana dong, sinyal yang lelet dan lemot itu bikin emosi jiwa. Huhuhu.
Balik lagi ke masalah saya, alhamdulillah customer care masing-masing provider cukup membantu.
Eng ing eng, tapi sayang, saya belum bisa menikmati layanan 4G Indosat Ooredoo.
Karena strategi bisnis!
Yep, pasti tiap provider pengen memberikan pelayanan terbaik dan mendapat keuntungan maksimal.
Yang satu memang stuck jadi sim 1, yang nggak bisa diganti-ganti karena smartphone saya nggak bisa nyala kalau nggak ada dia. Alhamdulillah sinyalnya oke sih. Tapi, mahalnya...
Yang lain ogah jadi sim 2. Harus jadi sim 1 supaya berfungsi dan bisa dapat sinyal 4G. Derita jadi sim 2 di smartphone saya cuma bisa sampai di sinyal 2G. Stuck. Sinyalnya nggak bisa lebih luas lagi.
Ampun... Lelet dan lemotnya.
Yah, begitulah, ternyata smartphone dan kedua provider saya kurang begitu kompatibel.

Senin, 25 Juli 2016

After Star Trek Beyond

I mean, after watching Star Trek Beyond ...
I love the soundtrack (Mr. Giacchino's score), the USS Enterprise crew family bonding, and our heroin Capt. James T.
Since the beginning of the film I've been excited about Starfleet's 5-year mission for Enterprise. Getting more excited because Capt. Kirk disoriented about their mission.
Until an enemy struck the Enterprise into real destruction and finally make Kirk realized that outer space journey is his calling.
Anyway, can not lie, I'm pretty agree with many reviews that stated this third Star Trek series is going to be 'the game over' of the franchise.
I wonder what's missing?
Star Trek become too drama?
A less exciting ending?
But, I also can not lie that I am very happy because Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto already signed the contract for the next Star Trek. Yiey 
Let's wait till the next genius installment back.
And I am going to miss Anton Yelchin very bad  his Pavel Chekov is nailed to the audience, including me.

Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

Piano Tiles 2

Hahaha... Nyebut merek! Parah!
So, here we are. Di zaman yang game bisa jadi booming banget sampe bikin kecelakaan bahkan kematian.
Tahu lah ya, game yang lagi in. Bikin orang-orang hobi keluar rumah sampe ke pelosok-pelosok cuma buat main game!
Saya bukannya mau maki-maki orang yang main game sampe sebegitunya. Karena saya tahu kok asyiknya main game sampe kadang bikin lupa segalanya. Hohoho.
Ini gara-gara saya main game bareng sepupu saya di game fantasia. Sebut merek lagi, maap. Saya keranjingan main salah satu game mirip-mirip main piano gitu di salah satu booth game. Entah berapa kali saya main di situ. Tapi, mau gimana lagi. Sepertinya cuma itu game yang normal dimainin sama makhluk usia 20-an di tempat macam game fantasia. Meskipun penampakan saya nggak jauh beda sama anak smp di situ. Tapi, tetep aja, ya kali saya main mainan yang terlalu bocah.
Akhirnya, sampe rumah pun gara-gara keasyikan main game mirip piano tersebut, saya bela-belain nyari di playstore.
Yiey, saya pun nemu yang rada mirip. Ya, itu, piano tiles 2. Asyik banget maininnya. Dasar saya juga suka musik klasik meskipun cuma gara-gara ngedengerin ost pride and prejudice, tapi, bahagia banget bisa mainin berlevel-level di piano tiles 2 dan lebih banyak lagi ngedengerin gubahan Mozart, Schubert, Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, dll.
Go try it!
Hohoho  ✌
Semua hal itu ada masa naik dan turunnya. Pas lagi doyan main game, kalo nggak ada kerjaan atau butuh hiburan, ya main game. Tapi, kalo udah bosan dan ngerasa ada hal lain yang lebih penting untuk dikerjakan, ya nggak akan disentuh-sentuh deh aplikasi game itu.

Feeling despair

Tahu sih putus asa itu sesuatu yang dilarang dalam Islam.
But, that's exactly what I am feeling right now.
It's awful, when you feel that your life is stuck. You can't run away anywhere because it will hurt people. So, now, you just live your life even if it feels like you hurt yourself and bleeding out.
And it's more awful because what is happening right now to your life is because your own injudicious decision.
This rueful feeling is not getting me anywhere. So, I just try to live on without feeling. But, how is that possible?!

Jumat, 08 Juli 2016

What is it for?

Tiap tahun saya menjalani tradisi yang sama. Yang saya ingat, sejak baligh (atau bahkan sebelumnya) saya selalu hadir dalam event rutin yang dipertahankan atas nama (tradisi) silaturrahmi.
Meskipun kadang saya merasa bahwa tradisi tersebut meaningless atau salah arah, tapi apa boleh buat? Saya cuma generasi Y yang bisa menonton dan mengamati saja.
Kalau pun saya protes atau menolak mengikuti tradisi, generasi X sudah siap dengan mata galak dan macam-macam ceramahnya.
Saya bukannya membenci tradisi.
Hanya saja, banyak hal yang perlu dipangkas dan dihindari atas nama kebaikan. Meskipun itu melanggar tradisi.
Tapi, melanggar atau melewati batas tradisi bukan soal yang mudah. Karena kita bisa diancam sanksi sosial saat ini dan sumpah serapah ketakutan atas sanksi masa depan (yang belum tentu terjadi kecuali atas izin Allah).
Bukan salah tradisi memang. Karena tradisi bisa jadi salah satu jalan untuk menyentuh hati agar tersinari hidayah. Salah pelakunya yang kemudian lalai menomorduakan aturan Allah yang hakiki.
-Generasi Y yang cuma bisa mengikuti tradisi. Menjaga diri agar tradisi yang diikuti tetap dalam koridor al quran dan as sunnah. Bila terpaksa atau tak sengaja melewati batas, mohon ampun banyak-banyak pada yang Maha Menciptakan Aturan-